If you are looking for an assault and battery attorney Santa Rosa defendants can depend on for an aggressive and honest defense, look no further than Walter Rubenstein. With over 30 years of practice experience in the Bay Area, we have become a sought after firm when looking to retain a criminal defense attorney in Sonoma County.
When looking for a criminal defense attorney it is best to find someone with experience with the particular charge you are facing. For an assault and battery attorney, Santa Rosa defendants will also want to find an attorney who is familiar with the local city and state penal codes. It is vital to have an aggressive criminal defense attorney when facing such charges; our firm has experience defending clients who have been charged with battery and assault. These charges are a very serious matter and should be handled with professional legal advice, if you choose to self-represent, it is still a good idea to have legal consultation before waving your right to a criminal defense attorney. More often than not people will self incriminate themselves by trying to talk their way out of the situation, forgetting about their Miranda Rights in the heat of the moment. Retaining legal council is almost imperative to keeping yourself as far away from self-incrimination as possible.
Please feel free to call us if you have any questions regarding an assault and battery attorney. Santa Rosa defendants rely on our firm to make sure that justice, as well as their legal rights are upheld. If you have any other questions regarding our practice or if you would like to discuss a potential case with us,(our attorneys represent many cases ranging from murder, drug possession, sex offense, homicide, white collar defense, fraud and more. Please call and schedule a free consultation.